Lightswitch Video | Does my business need video? Where should I show…
04.10.2024 Talking Tech

Does my business need video? Where should I show them?

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When you're running a business, you have a lot of things on your plate. It can seem daunting to add something else to it, especially something as big of an undertaking as creating video. So, do you actually need it? Where should you show it? We're here to help.

Does my business need video?

Yes, your business needs video. Although photos are great too, video can accomplish goals and add to your business in ways that other media cannot. Now, technically, your business can survive without video, but it can also thrive with it. Whether the video is a product demonstration, a behind-the-scenes of your company, an advertisement, a customer testimonial (or a combination), video can help bring your business to the next level and reach your target customers in a new way.

Video can also serve to do more than just to reach new target customer, it can inform existing ones, encourage those considering your product to convert, preemptively answer questions, assure your customers your business has integrity, provide proof that you have happy customers, demonstrate your product or service’s use case, and even, if you’re lucky, go viral. The first part of deciding to produce video is to define your desires outcomes after creating the content.

Where should I show my videos?

The three primary places where you should show your videos are on your website, your social media accounts, and in paid ads. There are many other places where they can be useful however - you can also include them in pitch decks, send them directly in sales emails, include them in trainings, buy tv ads, put them up on Youtube and many other avenues. Each platform will serve a different purpose. It’s important to outline their intended purpose before creating videos because it will determine which platforms you will place them on and thus how they will be produced. Different platforms will have different recommendations (and limits) for how long a video can be, what is most effective, and what format a video should be in so it’s important to pay attention to that in the early planning stages.

Want more of your video questions answered? Or want a team to be your partner every step of the way? We've got you covered! Check out our guide to creative video for your business, or reach out to us to chat about how we can help bring your business's video to life.

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