Lightswitch Video | 3 Tips to Improve Your Testimonial Videos
07.13.2016 Talking Tech

3 Tips to Improve Your Testimonial Videos

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Testimonial videos are a powerful tool to promote your business, but before you begin a project you need to consider a few key factors. Pre and post-production, direction and style, and an overall vision of what to include are all critical factors in making the most out of your testimonial video project.


Pre and Post Production includes the early stage planning and critical mapping, as well as the final touches and polish that will make your project stand out.

The Preshoot meeting will help you familiarize yourself with the overall production process and will help everyone involved, from the producer to the cast to the audio and video experts, be on the same page. Understanding the content and the direction of your testimonial video will help you plan camera setup, lighting, and content in a more coherent and easy to watch way.

On the other end of the process, you want to make sure that there is a firm understanding of post-production needs. Do you want graphics or logos to display, or are there any other special effects that would help your message come across more clearly? How long should your videos be?


Direction and style can make or break a project. Think about some of the testimonial videos you have seen that really stood out. Most of them feature dynamic speakers, interesting visuals, and a strong narrative element. Shooting style can take the best aspects of your project and highlight them for the audience. For example, a normally mundane interview can become much more visually appealing with a two camera set up and shallow depth of field. Establishing style early on will help you get the most from each project.

Shooting the action is only half the problem. You also need to know what your subject will talk about, and whether or not you will have someone off camera talking as well. In terms of which questions you ask, make sure to think about the desired answer you want and be prepared to ask your questions a few different ways to ensure you get the best possible result. People tend to remember catchy soundbites and you want to make sure your video delivers a punchy and relatable dialogue.


Finally, before you begin a testimonial video project, make sure to fully consider the scope of what you are trying to say. Will one video be enough, or will this be part of a larger series of testimonial video projects? You will also want to think about length. The average testimonial video runs for three and a half minutes. (We think this is too long)

A great testimonial video will enhance your brand, build credibility and drive demand for your product or service. Thinking carefully about the pre and post production needs, overall message and direction, and the scope of your project will help you maximize the impact of your project. For more information on testimonial videos contact LightSwitch today.

Check out this example from C2FO:

Ready to take the leap and make customer testimonial videos of your own? Learn more by reading our Ultimate Business Guide to Customer Video Testimonials, and let us know how we can help bring your vision to life!

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